The link above will take you to a portal to email the Premier (a screenshot is below). Use your mouse to highlight the letter below and then choose copy. Once copied, paste to the box that says “Message to the Premier”. The subject line will be “Save South Muskoka Hospital” and the nature of your message should be “I have a problem.” Make sure you give your contact details.
Please send a quick email note to to let us know that you sent it so we can keep a record. THANK YOU for helping us Save South Muskoka Hospital!
Dear Premier:
Please refer to the petition signed by more than 8000 citizens of Muskoka that was presented to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in the first week of April 2024. Consider this email as an extension of that petition and STOP MAHC from further changes to our hospitals and allow our doctors’ plan “Care Close to Home” to be the model chosen for our future sites in Muskoka.
Since the Legislature changed the presentation rules at that time, please find the wording of the petition as follows:
“To The Legislative Assembly of Ontario:
WHEREAS, Muskoka Algonquin Health Care Board of Directors appoints all members of their Board of Directors and since there is no democratic selection to the Board by our local communities, and
WHERAS Muskoka Algonquin Health Care Board has decided to change South Muskoka Hospital into what we see as a temporary Emergency Rest Stop with reduced general hospital beds and services in South Muskoka despite that South Muskoka Memorial Hospital has had 35% more inpatient days and 12% more admissions over the past 5 years than Huntsville District Memorial Hospital, the Board suggests that Huntsville’s hospital should increase in beds and services by more than153% despite greater demand in South Muskoka and
WHEREAS a move to make such a change will cause health, economic and social strife for South Muskoka’s communities,
WE the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to unanimously agree to
1. disregard any suggestion or applications by the current Board of Directors to the Ministry of Health for any changes to hospital services at Muskoka Algonquin Health Care and
2. allow the community to choose their Board of Directors in a democratic fashion or dissolve Muskoka Algonquin HealthCare and return to 2 Boards chosen by residents that will work toward sharing services to reduce costs of having 2 hospitals.”
We will ask our fellow citizens to continue sending this petition directly to you so that you can take action on it.
Below is the screen shot “how to” to help out.